The Problem – Graffiti Vandalism

Vandalism in any form can cause significant cost and annoyance to business owners. In San Diego County this vandalism usually comes in the form of graffiti.

Prompt graffiti removal is vital to reduce further vandalism of property and to restore a clean professional look to your commercial building.

However, continual graffiti removal can be costly. Especially in areas where vandalism is common, business owners can lose a lot of money trying to maintain their property free from the negative effects of Graffiti. This problem has led many business owners to ask the question, “Can I protect my commercial property from graffiti?”

The Solution – Anti-Graffiti Coatings

The answer to that question is, “Yes!” Thankfully there is a terrific solution to this problem. The application of an anti-graffiti coating can save you significant repair cost from damage caused by Graffiti.

Three types of Anti-Graffiti Coating

Take a look at the three types of anti-graffiti coatings we offer:

  • Permanent Coating – A permanent coating forms a protective layer to which aerosol paints cannot form a bond. Graffiti painted over this coating can usually be removed with toluene, a simple solvent.
  • Sacrificial Coating – A Sacrificial Coating creates a translucent barrier over surfaces vulnerable to damage from graffiti. Surfaces protected by this sacrificial coating only require pressure washing. This washing removes the graffiti and the sacrificial coating, so a new coating will need to be applied.
  • Semi-Sacrificial Coating – The Semi-Sacrificial coating is also known as the “safety shield,” as it seals and protects the surface pores. Damage done over this type of coating can be cleaned of with a combination of pressure washing and solvents.


Save yourself the trouble of having to deal with the effects of graffiti! Contact us to find out more about our anti-graffiti services and get a FREE estimate. If your commercial property already suffers from the effects of graffiti and needs repainting, take a look at our commercial painting services. We would be glad to serve you!

Pacific Western Painting provides commercial and residential painting services to San Diego County.

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