Retirement Community Painting in San Marcos

Retirement Community Painting in San Marcos

For those seeking the tranquil lifestyle and cheerful ambiance of a retirement community, the physical environment is an important concern. That’s why were were delighted to be chosen to work with Chateau Lake San Marcos, a resort-style retirement community,...
Gym Floor Refinishing

Gym Floor Refinishing

There’s nothing like the squeak of new basketball shoes against the gleaming surface of a gym floor, the way the lights blaze back in reflected brilliance from its smooth glaze, the way a volleyball player glides across the polished wood when diving for a ball....

Discussing Commercial Wallpaper

While painting the interior of a commercial building can add a new layer of beauty and richness, wallpaper will up the ante even more! Whether you are updating a hotel, redecorating an office, upgrading some condos or freshening up a restaurant, commercial...
Commercial Painting Topics: Lead Paint

Commercial Painting Topics: Lead Paint

In North America, the use of lead-based paint began in the Colonial Period, and it was a common feature of homes and businesses for many generations. While its decline began in the 1920’s, lead-based paint was still widely used until the 1970’s. Because of...

Commercial Wood Varnishing and Refinishing

Nothing gleams with rich, natural beauty like properly cared-for wood. Unfortunately, wood surfaces can also become dull, worn, dirty and shabby with age and use. That’s why Pacific Western offers wood varnishing and wood refinishing services for our commercial...

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