Gated Community Painting in Encinitas, CA

Gated Community Painting in Encinitas, CA

With all of the different kinds of commercial facilities we paint, gated communities and HOA’s are among the most common. One such Homeowner’s Association that we had the privilege of painting was the Encinitas Village HOA in San Diego County. This...
Condo Painting in San Diego

Condo Painting in San Diego

There is probably a case to be made that Condo Painting is a little like putting on makeup; thankfully, however, it doesn’t have to be done every day! First, we start with good exfoliating scrub, then we carefully spot treat any blemishes, and finally we apply a...
Painting a Condo HOA in San Diego, CA

Painting a Condo HOA in San Diego, CA

Some commercial painting projects are massive endeavors, requiring complex logistics and an extended timeline. However, at Pacific Western, we also provide painting services for HOA’s on a smaller scale. One good example of this was when we painted the Montemar...
Condo Painting in Oceanside, CA

Condo Painting in Oceanside, CA

When your HOA provides a special-access walkway directly to the beach, you know you’ve reached the pinnacle of resort-style living! That is exactly what the Windward HOA of Oceanside, CA offers their Condo owners, in addition to many other enviable amenities. At...

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